Attention Writers and Creators: The ONLY email sequence you need to sell your work automatically...

Freedom in

Five Emails

A new, simple email welcome sequence that builds trust, boosts your deliverability, and sells your best work while you sleep. Plus, you'll have it running in five days!

Join the One Welcome Workweek Challenge:

(I hate SPAM more than anyone. I will never share your information. Ever.)


"You are so clear-minded and kind. It is my belief that you really do have the best interests of writers and readers in your heart" -Mary H.

Here's Why You Need

The Right Welcome Sequence:

Grab and Hold Your Reader's Attention

The right welcome sequence keeps your readers attention longer, so you can earn her trust and establish a connection to your best work


With email, you don't have the scrolling distractions of social media, getting you more eyeballs from buyers.

Increase Future Deliverabiliy

The right welcome sequence trains the big email servers to keep you out of the promotions tab and to deliver more of your future messages to your customer's primary in-box

Marketing content can be hard to deliver if you don't have the right steps in place to land where your readers will see it.

Sell Your Best Work While You Sleep

The right welcome sequence automatically promotes your best work to new prospects, so you can sell more without spending more time on your marketing.

Use this new subscriber opportunity to offer them a deeper dive for a big value... and earn more without spending more time self-promoting

How Do I Know This?

Hi, I'm August Birch.

I'm a blue-collar writer, creator, and marketing mentor from Michigan. For years I struggled to get my fledgling information publishing business off the ground, but I couldn't find a way to earn a decent income from my little email list.

I knew I needed a welcome sequence, but thought I had to give a bunch of value free, before it was OK to make offers to my list. While this provided a bunch of good will, I wasn't earning any money. I was frustrated and burnt out.

Then, I started to test and make simple changes to my welcome sequence. Now I earn a steady, predictable stream of income, every month, without wasting my valuable time on those popular 'guru' email marketing tactics that don't actually work for us 'regular folks.'

I'd like to share this special sequence with you.

These days I operate my international publishing business in more than 110 different countries and I run most of the operation from my pocket.

My little welcome sequences run in the background, doing most of the selling for me, so I have more time to do the things I want to do.

To learn exactly how to build the same Perfect Welcome Seuqnce I use, enroll in my One Welcome Workweek Challange. I'll see you inside!

The Next Challenge Opens Soon...

The next enrollment for the One Welcome Workweek five day challenge opens soon.

It's my mission to help solopreneur, independant creators, just like you, to thrive in your creative business. I don't want you to miss your chance to enroll in the next session...

During the challenge you'll discover all my secrets, strategies, tactics, and tips for building an automated, five-day welcome sequence that sells while you sleep.

This is the same welcome sequence strategy I use to cover all my living expenses, automatically. It has taken me years worth of mistakes and hard lessons-learned, to develop this plug-and-play method of building successful welcome sequences that sell.

I will only allow a certain number of people to enroll per month. Once the slots are filled, the doors are closed.

By entering your name on this VIP list, you'll be first to get notified once the challenge starts. If there are any open spots remaining, the notification will then go to the rest of my tribe.

Here's What You'll Discover Inside One Welcome Workweek:

  • How to get your emails open and read (my irresistible strategy)
  • A sneaky (but legal) way to practically print money in your sleep (so you have more time to do the work that matters)
  • The fastest way I know to attract new, lifetime customers (and how to get them to automatically help you build more offers they can't wait to buy from you)
  • Build trust and reader retention (so your readers feel connected to you, personally)
  • An exclusive email framework to indoctrinate new prospects into your world (and make it hard for them to want to do business with someone else)
  • Increase your overall email deliverability with the major email servers (and if you don't fix this your emails may never be seen by anyone)
  • Encourage your reader to consume every email you send (by tapping-in to their deepest psychology)
  • Discourage non-customers from staying on your list (help them leave ASAP with one simple statement)
  • Create a repeatable onboarding experience for every client (one that automatically sells even your higher-ticket offers for you)
  • Share your origin story and become the go-to leader in your niche (position yourself as the only choice to solve their problem)
  • Finish your entire welcome sequence in just five days (a simple series of step-by-step assignments to get your most-important emails finished and posted)
  • Instead of giving away the same free, opt-in junk as everyone else, you'll have something more-valuable (without having to build a new product, or create any graphics)
  • Craft irresistible welcome emails even if you aren't a 'writer' (and you've tried a welcome sequence before, but couldn't get it to work for you)
  • How to ensure your content gets read every day (even if your reader's in-box is stuffed full with other marketing emails)
  • Become the only voice in your niche (even if you're introverted and shrink at the idea of self-promotion)

What They Have to Say:

I feel you've really stepped up your game with your emails as of late.

I've been on your list for a while now (I think I read one of your medium posts and that's what kicked it off), and I actually look forward to reading your emails.

I get a little giddy and I'm left thinking, "What is wrong with me? It's an email. Emails aren't supposed to be exciting." But yours do the trick.

I now hold all emails I receive to an August Birch standard and most (98%) fall short.

All this to say thank you. Thank you for putting in the time and effort to craft engaging emails.

**fist bump**

-Cody S.


I love your emails! They inform but they are incredibly entertaining. They inspire me to make my writing something people look forward to reading.

Thanks so much for sharing your stories and your insights.

-M. C.


I am going into withdrawals! I haven't received any daily inspirational messages from you since Monday, but I see you're posting on Medium.

Are you taking a break with the daily messages or did I manage to unsubscribe myself from the tribe?

Sorry to be so high-maintenance!

-Greg G.


I just want to compliment you again.

You write the best emails on the whole of the internet.

They are a pleasure to read and if I had the money I would buy everything you offer.

Your emails are the only ones that resonate with my inner values of sincerity and complete honesty.

Zilch hyperbole, zilch BS, zilch pseudo-"specials".

What a rare experience it is to encounter anyone who is utterly genuine!

I look forward to your communications - and I con't say that about anyone else who contact me.

You have nailed the art of "getting through" to me.

Each of your emails is a lesson in itself.

For all that, I thank you,

-Alan S.


I just wanted to give you some feedback. As an author, I get lots of book writing/marketing-related emails and I hit delete for 95% of them because I know it's going to be the same boring stuff.

Yours is the only one I never delete. I really enjoy your writing style and the information you provide is either somewhat different from others or is described in a different way.

I even created an "August Birch" folder so I can keep your emails in one spot in case I want to go back and read them again.

Keep up the good work!


Susan G.


I love you're storytelling.

-John P.


I like your style, August. It's honest, fresh, and unique.

You have a unique voice, and I really respect that.

-Patrick H.


Just wanted to say that was the best email I had read in ages!

So simple, but so very useful. I especially liked the last bit about how it's OK to change your goals.

Too often we hold them up to be all and end all achievements and spend a lot of time beating ourselves up for not completing them.



I always like the real human voice that comes through in the emails from you.

Thank you,

Misty F.


Another great email. Have a fabulous day!



You are so clear-minded and kind. It is my belief that you have the best interests of writers and readers in your heart.

Thank you,

Mary H.


With no reservation, I must say your work is the most enjoyable, interesting, and useful of all I get. I look forward to each item you send.

I wish I had more time and mone to enjoy more of them, but as Dirty Harry said, "A man's got to know his limitations."

Thanks for all I've learned from you so far!

Keep it up!

-Don M.


You are an excellent writer—you make me want to keep reading.

I wish I had more of that skill!




I have to sayy, your marketing emails for your newsletter are GREAT!! Well done! Very enjoyable reading, and I appreciate getting them!

Best regards,




Loved your email header.

Couldn't resist.



Q: My business is unique. I sell custom baskets, woven underwater, by expert elves. Will this welcome sequence work for me?

A: If your product can be sold online, the Perfect Welcome Sequence you'll discover inside OW2 will work for your business too.


Q: I'd like to join the challenge, but I don't have time in my schedule right now. Will I have access to this material once I'm finally ready to get started?

A: Once you start the challenge, you'll get a new module every day until the challenge is done. Once the challenge is over, you'll have access to all the lessons as long as the challenge exists. Work through the challenge at your own pace.


Q: I'm not a 'writer.' I'm worried this will be too complicated for me. How profficient do I need to be to create a welcome sequence?

A: I'm not a 'writer'-writer either. Plus, if you've ever sent an email to a friend, you already have the skills you need to write your Perfect Welcome Sequence. I've designed the challenge to walk you through a series of simple building blocks. You write each block (a few sentences each), stack them together, and your sequence is done.

Since we're working with email, you can revise your welcome sequence as many times as you wish. Your sequence will grow as you grow as a writer.


Q: I love this concept for an automated welcome sequence, but I don't have anything to sell yet. Should I wait until I do?

A: The best time to start your welcome sequence is before you have something to sell, so you have time to edit and curate your welcome sequence, so it's in tip-top shape once your product is ready. The Perfect Welcome Sequence works, whether you have something to sell yet, or not.


Q: I'm an introvert and the idea of self-promotion makes me feel uncomfortable, like everyone will get mad at me for making offers for my work. What if I just want to make stuff, but hate the idea of promoting it?

A: This is where the Perfect Welcome Sequence shines! No matter how introverted you are, the Perfect Welcome Sequence does all the selling for you. All you have to do is write a few conversational emails in your own voice. We'll add a simple, no pressure, call-to-action at the end of each email. Interested customers are welcome to click and learn more. Those who aren't interested, won't be offended. They can catch your next offer.

Join the One Welcome Workweek Five-Day Challenge Here:

(Your email is safe with me. I hate SPAM more than you do. I will never share your information. Ever.)

Copyright 2024 © August Birch - All Rights Reserved